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With a careful inspiration from your favorite brands, our selection of products guarantees a premium and fulfilling experience for all customers, while maintaining a unique identity free from any other trademark association.
Affordable fragrances and trendy clothingDisclaimer: Type* - Our fragrances are not to be confused with the original and Perfume Oil Direct – fresh for less has no affiliation with the designer. Name trademarks and copyrights are properties of their respective designers. Our interpretation of these fragrances was created through chemical analysis and an experienced perfumer. Any reference to a name is to give the customer an idea of scent character, not to mislead, confuse the customer or infringe on the designer’s name and trademark. We do not represent our products to be original and therefore we do not violate any copyright/trademark laws. They are great duplicates, but we encourage you to test a sample to make sure you like our version of these scents.
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Designer Perfumes
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